EPSS Editor v1.16

The development of EPSS Editor has now been resumed and some major changes has been implemented and released in a new version.

The latest version v1.16 can be downloaded from the Downloads page.

The main changes are:

  • Import of SPI added. This supports both old generation (G0) and new generation (G1). G2 will not be supported as they can only be created from within EPSS Editor so there should always be a EPF (EPSS Project File) as a base for them. The main difference between G0 and G1 is that G1 contains more meta data about the samples so for example sample names can be extracted correctly. Loading a G0 SPI will name the samples Sample0, Sample1 etc. All details should be preserved if the Project is re-exported to SPI. See the EPSSTECH.TXT documentation for deeper information of the exposed details.
  • Import of SFZ added via menu (previously only possible via drag&drop). Also better compatibility with the SFZ file format where keywords and opcodes are placed on same line and also where lokey and hikey information is missing.
  • Export of SFZ added:
    • Exports every used MIDI channel as one unique file. The only realistic way to convert an SPI to SFZ is to see every MIDI Channel in EPSS as a separate instrument. One SFZ file can always only represent one instrument, i.e. one of the SPI:s MIDI Channels.
    • Exports information about loops
    • Note that it uses a standard Windows Save Dialog to select the location. The file name chosen/entered (minus any extension) will be used as a folder name when exporting the SFZ files.
    • The structure is as follows:
      • Folder: Name of the SFZ entered in Windows Save Dialog.
        • Folder: samples
          • File: sample0.wav
          • File: sample1.wav
          • ... If Generation 1 of SPI files is loaded, the samples maintain their original names
        • File: Channel 0.sfz
        • File: Channel 1.sfz
        • ...
  • Playback system rework:
    • Now using a "Sound Engine" approach where the sound system is started when EPSS Editor is started and not stopped until EPSS Editor is shut down and any sounds to be played are mixed in and mixed out. This avoids any clicking in beginning and end of playing sounds.
    • Possibility to play multiple selected sounds both for Sounds (left hand side).
    • Import of WAV files with loop point, when loop point is defined in an "smpl" chunk. Loop can be tested by holding down mouse button to play the sound looped. Due to the resampling of frequency, there might be clicks at beginning of loop for an SPI Sound but this is due to technical limitations when converting the sample from WAV to SPI Sound.
  • Basic MID Player implemented. Can now (sort of) play EPSS songs directly in EPSS Editor.
    • Loading a MID file starts to play it immediately.
    • Stop button stops playing.
    • VVFE on the SPI Sounds are used when playing the sounds.
  • MIDI Keyboard added by pressing the "Listen" button or double clicking on an SPI Sound.
    • Mouse click on the keys plays as long as the mouse is held down. Possible to hear looped sounds this way.
    • MIDI Volume is possible to change by the slider before playing the sound. Could be used to preview VVFE effects.
    • When playing a MID song, the notes played on the selected MIDI channel are shown.
    • When double clicking the SPI Sound, it will show its mapping if the MIDI Keyboard is open.
    • The centre note (original pitch of sound) will show highlighted in blue color.
  • EPSS have its own installer now and is not using the ClickOnce format any more. This will result in a new installation entry, so manually remove any old versions of EPSS Editor before installing the new version as you otherwise end up with two separate versions. Running a new version of the (new) installer it on top of any previously installed versions will update it to latest version. Last version of old installer was First version of new installer is 1.16
  • General UI fixes:
    • Expose more details for a SPI Sound.
    • Saves last position and size of dialog.
    • Icon added.
    • Ctrl-A as shortcut to select all sounds in Input Sounds or SPI Sounds.
    • Delete key deletes selected SPI Sound and reselects the closest.
    • Alt+click of sound in Input Sounds to select where the sounds are used in the SPI Sounds list.
    • MIDI Mapping reworked and more informative.
    • Center note added for custom mapping (ctr). If the center note is empty, the middle note between lo and hi is used.
    • Message shown when SPI and SFZ exported successfully.
    • Error messages for SPI import and export.
    • Rename of Input Sounds can be renamed. Selecting a sample and right click brings up a separate Rename dialog.

Bug Fixes:

  • Export of SPI gone through and fixed up after realizing that exported SPI files could not be loaded with EPSS Editor. Wrong offset was used for the extended main parameter block (see EPSSTECH.TXT from EPSS for Atari distribution for deeper explanation). Also wrong number of sounds were generated if one sound was used in more than one split area.
  • Creating a SPI Sound by selecting MIDI Channel and mapping mode was not really working other than for Multi samples. This has now been checked a bit and adding single sounds works more like it should. Possible to add custom mapping etc.
  • File size of SPI now corrected and updates correct after load operations.
  • If sounds not found when loading a project, user can choose an alternative folder where the sounds are searched for.

As usual with this amount of changes, things that worked before might have stopped working. Please submit error reports on Issues ยท copsonit/EPSSEditor (github.com) and they will be followed up and fixed.

Known issues in v1.16

  • Looped sounds are note preserved when importing SPI and exporting to WAV. This will be fixed in next version.
  • Not detecting overlap correct when adding sounds on MIDI Channel 10.
  • All non looped sounds are exported to SFZ with loop_mode : one_shot. This causes Note Off to be ignored. It will be corrected to loop_mode : no_loop in next version.
  • Import of SFZ with menu does not update the Sound and SPI Sound lists. Will be fixed in next version. Use drag&drop until fixed.
  • Do not try to use to map sounds as Program Change (i.e. create G2 SPI) as playing of sounds are not working and may crash the program. Full support for G2 SPI will come in next version.
  • Samples containing space does not import correctly when importing SFZ. Incorrectly report that only Wav is supported. Workaround until next version is to remove any spaces.
  • MID Player:
    • Timing between midi event not working as we are playing with Windows real time timers. This will be improved in next version.
    • Always playing the sounds in mono. This might cause it sound different from "original" stereo-separated songs as the sounds will be added on top of each other.
    • No Tempo support. Hard coded to 120bpm.

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