EPSS Editor v1.18.1

The latest version can be downloaded from the Downloads page.


  • Add support of loading samples and programs from SoundFont .SF2 format. The Program Change mode has to be chosen as it will be mapped as Program Change according to the information in the SF2. Only sample, loop information, key range and root key information is imported. Bank 128 (percussion sounds) will be automatically mapped on MIDI Channel 10.
  • Undo (Ctrl-Z)/Redo (Ctrl-Y) implemented. Some limitations:
    • Rename of a sound will reset the Undo buffer as it is not supported to undo a rename in the file system.
    • Does not keep selected sound in Input Sounds nor SPI Sounds after Undo/Redo.
  • Add support of loading samples in following formats:
    • Ogg Vorbis (file extension .ogg)
    • MP3 files.
    • AIFF/AIFC files.
    • Any format that is supported by Windows Media Foundation. That basically means that it is possible to load everything as a sound that you have a audio codec installed in your system for.
  • All the additional sample formats works with:
    • Samples defined when Importing SFZ instruments
    • Drag&Drop one or many files on left side Sound list.
    • Load... button below Sounds box can load one or many files.
  • When SFZ import imports multiple SPI Sounds defined on same note, we change to play the selected SPI Sound when double clicking on it. It is therefore possible to hear differences between SPI Sounds defined on the same note.

Bug fixes:

  • Edit menu added and some functions previously on buttons moved to the Edit menu in an attempt to de-clutter the UI a bit.
  • Better response for delete operations when working with long list of sounds.
  • Corrected tooltips on MID transport buttons
  • Load Sample button crashed first time. Now defaults to My Documents.
  • Save SPI Sample button crashed first time. Now defaults to My Document.
  • One octave off when parsing note entered in custom mappings. Now it conforms to the standard that C-1 is MIDI Note 0, C3 is MIDI Note 60 and G8 is MIDI note 127. Also possible to enter number for the custom mappings to avoid any confusion. The GM Percussion mapping match this standard as well.
  • More robust SFZ import, handles groups and regions more correct. Allows spaces in sample names even when there are more parameters on the line. Reuses sounds if used in multiple regions.
  • More descriptive error messages when importing sounds and SFZ. Tries to load all sounds it can do without errors and reports the total of errors at the end of the load when using multiple sounds or multiple SFZ files.
  • Total SPI Size was broken and is now fixed and shows the projected size of the SPI again.
  • Loop now preserves loop points correct when sound is added as SPI Sound.
  • When SPI Sound is saved as WAV, the loop points are correct.
  • v1.18.1: Small fix to be able to load project files created in earlier versions.

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